Monday, January 12, 2009

Gangster Looney Tunes Clothing

The greatest instance of trickery and ‘switch-a-rooing’ since George W. Bush claimed Saddam caused 9/11 is by far the trend of Gangster Looney Tunes clothing. This shouldn’t exist. Somehow the marketers of Looney Tunes were able to turn a cartoon that was famous for its overtly racial stereotypes towards Black people, draw Bugs Bunny looking gangster, draw Tweety or Tasmanian Devil looking tough and sell it to the very people they spent years offending. 

This trend is similar to a Jew wearing a German flag t-shirt or a white guy wearing clothing only from Lands End or the Gap. The basic fundamental problem with the trend is not the racist history of Looney Tunes but the fact that there is absolutely nothing gangster or tough about Looney Tunes. A Cartoon bunny and a duck with no pants will never be tough or 'gangsta' thus disqualifying all who wear the clothing from being a gangster.

The main problem is that people are buying into and giving money to an organization that made profits off insulting them. This problem exists with more products besides Looney Tunes Gangster clothing. It's far reaching though, like life, it's not quite sure what it's reaching for. Think about a Jewish person paying money to see a Mel "Sugar Tits" Gibson movie or a lower-income family having to shop at Wal-Mart. Or, shall I dear even say a Vegan -Environmentalist eating non-organic food? The truth is you can't really avoid it, if you're lower income the only place to save money is Wal-Mart and if you're Mel Gibson, it's just natural to make movies about Jesus. 


  1. Sad but true, too many times we accidently support businesses that promote things which if we were aware of we would never purchase from that store or go to their movies.

  2. Another great post, keep them coming.
